Blowing off steam ..

For those little interested in this blog in particular .. it ain't a story this time so sorry about that in advance :).
For those rare ones visiting my blog (why the hell do i keep mis-writing the word blog and put the word blong instead O_o ??) I wanna say sorry for not updating this place with anything new. To be honest I am having quite the writers block or am stuck on the same spot for a story that might otherwise be interesting. But I sincerely promise to try and get back to writing stories .. But since I currently don't have one I can perhaps sum up my boring little year for your amusement :D.

2013 beginning (from where I left off) ... I had just recently moved in with my Grandparents since the living conditions in my previous home became unbearable. At first I wasn't confident in living here cause my dear granny is sick. She got bitten by a tick and lost a lot of her memories. Now she has regained most of it and I love her for being her (but being the teenager I am, I still get a bit impatient at some of her teachings as if I were samrter than her ^^'')

2013 Summer !!!! I passed my first year of high school (in Estonia it's 10th grade not 9th like in the states) and I got my first ACTUAL job of a longer period ... i hated the hot days and the cold days .. On cold and windy days the stuff flew around like crazy sometimes and I remember, I had to finish up earlier than usually once. But one warm day there was a Harley Davidson bikers club meeting for somekind of commercial or something down the hill (ooooooh the beautiful bikes :'3 ). And a thir occasion I remember was that my best friend also thought of getting a job there and came there for a trial day .. THE BASTARD PASSED OUT FOR A SECOND !!!! .. I was barely able to finish up my job. In the summer my ex also visited from Finland (i had told him the thing off in April I think) ... The first day he got here I felt like I wanna kill him but hey .. that's my nature :D (plus he gave me reasons) but we spent a week together and had a nice time (no details for you my most likely gossip loving readers :D ). Sent him off and the rest of the summer was pretty uneventful, except I did make a new FRIEND at the end of the summer ( can you believe it? me.. making a friend :') !! ) 

2013 school again Q~Q.... I hated it since day one .. and i haven't gotten a single 5 ( "A" in the us system, 10 in Finnish system .. that's all i know about the systems .. ) as a period grade so far XD .. but I am trying .. To be honset school blends into one great big blob and I can't make out any difference in events XD 

Finally 2014 .. I keep in touch with the idiot from Finland .. and my friend Samuli :D (I keed, my ex is a funny guy at times and we get along :) ). I am also panicking over my research paper due like in March already ( XD ),  I turned legally responsible for myself just a little while back ( well shit, gotta cross so many things i could have gotten away with off my list XD ) .. OH .. and now I actually have someone I can see more often than every 3-4 months. We'll see how it goes but right now its going okay (still waiting for the time I manage to do something horribly wrong .____. )

That's about it for the year I haven't been here (without the ugly detailes :D ) and I hope to post a short story, poem or a story piece (part of a longer work in progress :D )  soon :P